Medical Tourism - Tunisia
tourism" is defined as movement in a country other than that of his
usual to get
treatment. Also known as health tourism or tourism hospital, he has to
order to qualify
for a medical procedure. tourists whose travel is motivated by medical care.
The latter is
defined as a medical tourist or international patient, whose service is
unavailable or inaccessible in his own country, for reasons of
legislation for
reasons relating to the provision of care (skills, cost) (Hottois & Missa
Travel for
treatment back to the origins of civilization. In ancient Greece, the
converged across the Mediterranean to seek
treatment at the monastery of "doctor god"
Asklepios at Epidaurus. Reconcile
vacation, tourism and medical care of high quality is
now a trend
evolving. Indeed, first, the sales campaigns
in the field of
"medical tourism" proliferate in this sense, highlighting the fact
some areas offer
both medical expertise and a high quality environment
conducive to
tourism. In addition, hospitals that receive "medical tourists" have
with commercial
tour operators, offering tailored travel services. As
regard to this
point, the law is different from country to country: in France, professionals
tourism are not
authorized to sell surgery elsewhere. By cons, Germany or
Canada, for example, some travel agencies offer
products contain both an act
Surgical and a
tour. In the United States,
there are more than fifty companies
tourism". In the same vein, the Office of Tourism of India in several
capitals in
Europe and America
delivers a list of hospitals in the country with their specialties. Goes
same with the
tourist Hungary
issuing pamphlets on dental clinics
the country.
This shows the extent to which health is exploited for economic purposes and
helps promote
tourism in the countries concerned.
Indeed, more and
more travel agencies offer tourist packages "surgery vacation"
surgery and excursion. In this area of South Africa is the best
"scalpels-safaris" are practiced since the late 1990s. Agency Surgeon
& Safari
established in 1999, is best positioned in this area. its
flagship product
is a twelve day stay including a cosmetic surgery (most
often a
face lift), accommodation in a luxury hotel and a safari. The average amount of
this type of
Delivery is €
10,000, which is equivalent to one of the intervention price in the United States
United Kingdom.
To attract more
"medical tourists" from other countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco the
Bolivia, are moving towards this type of
product. This practice only concerns a minority of
Indeed, the majority of them have only motivation for seeking care quality and
inexpensive. In
this sense, they are not likely to be of interest to tourist amenities
proposed. On the
other hand, they are often physically unable to undertake the visit
country in which
the place medical care. Their presence has still an impact on
infrastructure. Particularly in the field of hospitality: since the period
recovery does
not usually happen in the hospital but in luxury hotels.
medical "is
primarily a catchy name that has very little to do with tourism
first sense.
However, the actors involved in the health sector are determined to
invest more in
this direction.
We note that in
recent years, increasing competition in the field of
tourism". Indeed, the host countries are ever more numerous and, in those
hospitals that
receive foreign patients are increasing. The tourism sector is seen
as an important
development potential and medico-commercial products offered
compete in originality. recent advent of the "baby safari" tour
combining natural parks
meeting and
artificial insemination, perfectly illustrates this point.
Medical Tourism
full mutation
Until recently,
"medical tourism" consisted mainly of mobility wellness. care
consumed were
mainly preventive care or be curative but
most often
involved relatively mild morbidity. Since the 1980s, what was
accustomed to call "medical tourism" is oriented towards diversified care
This practice relates
to serious diseases that require sophisticated care and extremely
techniques. At
first, the most relevant medical surgery was Esthetic
we note that in recent years, "medical tourism" encompasses all
type of disease,
ranging from cardiac anomaly organ transplantation.
feature of this movement to contemporary therapeutic purposes lies in the
traveled by
patients. More specifically, the globalization of trade, the dissemination of
knowledge or even
retraction distances due to the improvement of means of transport.
This has caused
a sharp increase in the practice and extension distances traveled. In this case, the use of community care is rare.
The originality
of this practice also lies in the choice of destinations. Indeed,
mainly to
emerging and developing countries. Traditionally, these were considered
places as places
of ill health, characterized in part by infectious diseases and
parasitic, and,
secondly, by offering inadequate and unsafe care. Unfortunately,
still, these
images remain. Though fortunately they coexist with another
vision of the
medical offer, this time, is characterized by a quality expertise and presence
technologies. Thus, if the flows to developed countries still exist, they
nevertheless become secondary.
The growing
number of hospitals that receive international accreditation Justify this medical expertise in
emerging and development.
This is a
guarantee of quality and source of confidence for
patients. Moreover, a 2008 study by the American Association on